
“I really like the variety of tasks I handle at 4flow.”

Managerin HR solutions team in Hamburg, Corporate Services

In my role as HR representative at 4flow, I recruit recent graduates and new professionals for 4flow consulting and 4flow research. Planning and coordinating on-campus recruiting events at colleges and universities is also on my agenda. Additionally, I work with team members from 4flow consulting to organize the 4flow challenge – a supply chain case competition for master’s students. This was something we started in order to provide participants an up-close look at 4flow and the work consultants do.

As I was going through the interview and hiring process myself, I paid particular attention to the company culture at 4flow. People were friendly and professional at the same time, which really impressed me. I genuinely felt listened to and that my questions mattered, and I received quick responses and constructive feedback. The respectful tone of communication also made a positive impression on me. We work on a cross-functional basis and my coworkers always lend a helping hand. Everyone is highly motivated to get things done and achieve results. I also really like the variety of tasks I handle at 4flow.

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