About 4flow


As a company experiencing strong growth, 4flow is committed to responsible corporate conduct.

For years, 4flow has been growing dynamically around the globe. The goal of delivering outstanding service with excellent team members – while simultaneously developing the company in a sustainable way – guides our actions and is anchored in the 4flow values.

Team members

The respectful treatment of our team members is a core component of the 4flow company culture that we foster at all of our global locations. 4flow was distinguished with the “OPEN COMPANY” and “TOP COMPANY” awards by kununu for offering friendly and direct contact with applicants and employees, and for scoring well in the assessment set for the award. In an anonymous employee survey for the “Germany’s Best Employer” competition, organized annually by the Great Place to Work® Institute, 4flow received outstanding marks. In the categories of fairness and team spirit, all team members who were surveyed indicated that they are treated fairly and enjoy a friendly work atmosphere.

4flow has also received Fair Company accreditation several times over for its fair treatment of interns, trainees and young professionals. For example, 4flow offers only paid internships. 4flow utilizes its role as a training company to invest in the careers of its young team members.

Team member satisfaction and health

The satisfaction of our team members is a crucial metric at 4flow. We believe that an optimal work environment is the foundation of excellence. The acoustically optimized office spaces at 4flow’s Berlin headquarters provide a quiet work atmosphere, and separate telephone cabins help to keep noise levels to a minimum.

Active health management is another pillar in our team member support model, including ergonomic office equipment, free organic fruits and vegetables, water, and juices, as well as informational sessions on health-related topics. We emphasize a balanced diet at our weekly team breakfasts, as well. 4flow also promotes sport as a counterbalance to office work. As such, our team members regularly participate in company running events, for which 4flow sponsors team t-shirts and entry fees. At our Berlin headquarters, there is also a room in which team members can exercise independently or with a professional instructor.


Environmental protection at 4flow takes many forms, including the fact that 4flow participates in the PRIMAKLIMA initiative, plants a tree in honor of each 4flow team member’s birthday, and makes regular donations to the World Wildlife Federation. Additionally, our office in Berlin, Germany, is powered exclusively with green hydroelectric power.

4flow also plays a crucial role in reducing our clients’ carbon footprint. Through the optimization of supply chain and transportation networks with our integrated software, 4flow vista® , customers can improve vehicle utilization, reduce the number of transportation runs, and shift to more environmentally friendly modes of transportation. In addition to network and transportation planning, 4flow vista® also allows users to calculate and visualize the emissions produced by their supply chain networks. In this way, decision-makers in the company can make themselves more aware of the environmental consequences of their strategic options and factor those consequences into the decision-making process.


In 2006, 4flow joined the UN Global Compact, the largest and most important global initiative for responsible corporate leadership. It serves to shape globalization in a more socially and ecologically responsible way and includes measures on human rights, employment standards, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption.

4flow works against corruption in all its forms and aims to establish long-term relationships with its clients through excellent performance and solutions rather than gifts. At the end of each year, 4flow makes a significant donation to UNICEF, which provides holiday cards that 4flow sends instead of gifts. UNICEF uses the proceeds from the sale of these greeting cards to finance immunizations, school materials, and more.