Integrated material and transportation planning software

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Delve with us into the critical challenges faced by today's supply chain industry and explore how optimized transportation planning can overcome these obstacles to create a more efficient and streamlined supply chain.
Get ready to unlock the untapped potential of your supply chain with the insights and strategies provided in this ebook:

  • Learn how transportation planning plays a crucial role in mitigating supply chain challenges and improves logistics efficiency.
  • Explore the advantages of load building and how it optimizes transportation, reducing costs and environmental impact.
  • Explore the synergy between material planning and transportation, leading to enhanced efficiency and cost savings.
  • Gain insights into transportation planning software and the various factors it considers to generate actionable, efficient plans.
  • Explore specific use cases including FTL, LTL, container shipping and outbound transportation.

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BAT and 4flow implement transportation planning software and design global roll-out

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4flow TLO

Grant Newsome
Manager Software Sales

4flow TORO

Markus Koch
Manager Software Sales